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Row, row, row your boat...

2006-06-28 - 5:04 p.m.

I don't need to build an ark after all. This morning I walked out of the house and was momentarily blinded by the strange glowing orb in the sky. My brain supplied sufficient knowledge It's the sun, stupid!, but it took me a while to catch on that yes, I would need to wear my sunglasses today.

With the return of the sun, my commute wasn't much longer than normal. Certainly not the 2 hour affair it was yesterday. Still, I count myself lucky. I know some who had a 4 hour commute on Monday.

Work continues, with increasing frustrations regarding the ACTA machine we have. I can't seem to make it do what I want it to do. I know it's user error, which makes it all the more frustrating. Every time I think I've gotten it figured out, it goes and proves me wrong yet again.


This has been my anthem of late. I changed one more thing, but I don't have the energy to go through it today and be proved wrong once again. My fragile ego can't take it *snort*. I'll fiddle again with it tomorrow.

The new employee is proving to be a God-send, as she doesn't seem to resent me asking her to do all the serum testing that was my lot until this week. I just don't have the time to be doing it, with 3 other projects screaming for my attention. However, it doesn't keep me from feeling guilty.

As the conversation went with my co-worker yesterday...I just feel so guilty, she says.

That just means you're a good Catholic.

But I'm Baptist. And Baptist are the worst for guilt. Anything you do sends you to hell. Smoking, drinking, having sex...

Well, shit...I was raised Baptist, plus I'm Italian. I'm screwed.

At least it explains a lot.

Tomorrow will be another uber-busy day. My Thursdays seem to be shaping up like this consistently. It's putting rather a large crimp in my fighting. Which is annoying, because lately I would really like to fight. Just goes to show that you always want most what you are denied.

Last Thursday I was here till 8pm. And the only reason I got out was cause the cleaning people turned the lights out on me, not realizing I was still in the lab. I can take a hint...

And last week sucked rocks. Murphy kicked my butt all week, wreaking havoc on everythign I touched. The one time I really needed to fight...

And now, I'm off to climbing, having put in my 8 hours.

Histeria - Futurama

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